So Inspiring

Jag har egentligen inte føljt denna Yoga Girl tidigare men kollade upp lite idag och kom øver detta inlägget.


What if you knew deep down that you could never go wrong? That the universe has a perfect plan for you that will never fail? That you can trust life to take you exactly where you need to be, at the perfect time?

Imagine this. Complete trust. A trust so profound that you will never again have a doubt in your mind about the path you’re on. A trust so complete that no matter what comes your way, you’ll know it’s here for a reason.


So deep that there will be no space in your mind for fear.

What would you do? How would you live your life? Imagine this.

Now, get out there and live.



Efter vinter paus øver semestern så har jag nu satt igång och kört Yoga fyra dagar på rad.

Min kropp gör SÅÅ ONT - i morgon blir det paus och sen vidare praksis för att komma i den formen jag var, m¨¨arker att det har blivit några kilo plus över julen.



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